Last Tuesday, October 22nd, we had a wonderful visit from Pre-School. They spent a lovely afternoon with us, and shared our games and songs. It was an amazing meeting!
We played group games through which we reviewed vocabulary and structures we both know... We worked on numbers, colours, parts of the human body, the weather chart... And lots of other items!
All first formers were really thrilled for sharing the classroom and their working routine, which has so very well internalized... They even guided their new friends, telling them what to expect and what to do.
As we always say, orality plays a very important role in our students´learning process; therefore, all our learners had their chance to “Be the Teacher” for a little while, and in doing so, they gave out the instructions for the different games we played and shared... We really had tons of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are really looking forward to having new opportunities to share an afternoon with you! Lots of love, 1st Form Children, Miss Sabri & Miss Kari.